Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Working From Home and COVID-19

Advice/Quotes for this period

If you are working from home, you need to create time to take care of yourself every day.  It can be a walk around the block, some meditation, sitting in the garden, anything that takes you away from work and home life.  Start small and build on it.

Every hand that we don't shake must become a phone call we place.
Every embrace that we avoid must become a verbal expression of warmth and concern.
Every inch and every foot that we physically place between ourselves and another, must become a thought as to how we might be of help to that other, should the need arise.

Keep a schedule, still get dressed and shower, try to eat as you would in the office, and generally remember to act like you are at work. Otherwise you show up with pj's on, no makeup, hair like a whirlwind, and never sleep.
S Chavez

During Video Conferences, go around the 'room' by last name and give everyone an opportunity to speak.
G. Hui

One thing I do (even when at the office) is declaring out loud: "I'm Done Work for the Day!". It flips a switch in your mind to shift form work mode to home mode. This is more important when your work and home is the same place. Some of us have even started posting this in our team slack channels to foster a greater sense of community.
C Onuczko

Take care of your mental health during this time. And a big part of this is taking time to step away from your computer to refocus yourself physically and mentally.  Staring at your screen for 8+ hours a day without moving is not good - so please be sure you walk away for a few moments during the day.
A Hobbs

If you get anxious and depressed because you cannot go out, look for that list of tasks you have been procrastinating, and every time you feel like you need to go out, pick one task and do it ! :-)