Monday, October 25, 2021

Dealing with a "bad back"

I have been dealing with a "bad back" since around 1980.  I have a lumbar herniated disk (L4-S3) which occasionally causes sciatica down my left leg. 

Cobra pose (yoga) helped me in the initial stages.

Also these 2 steps repeated as I can/feel comfortable doing:

  1. Lie on my back on a hard floor (tiled floor + yoga mat) for ~ 30 minutes
  2. Walk around (slowly) for ~ 20 minutes - preferably outside

I have also recently tried applying heat or cold to the area affected.  (I used this belt to keep the heating/cooling pads in place.)  I applied heat first and that had some positive effect.  Then I tried cold.  It worked better for me.  I tried alternating and then just settled with applying cold.

Finally, over the counter NSAIDs really help.  I take Ibuprofen for a few days and that reduces the pain significantly.  

This next exercise is more preventative – so do it regularly after you recover:

Standing up relaxed, breathe in and stretch your arms up and try and 'pull' your spine straight by raising the crown of your head as high as you can.  Hold this 'stretched' pose and your breath for as long as you can.  Repeat as often as you can/feel comfortable doing.

This book - Back Mechanic - by Stuart McGill  - comes highly recommended.  I haven't read it, but a friend recommends it highly.  Let me know what you think if you do read it.


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